Dave Siegel writes...
Every time a UCE is delivered to my server, someone out there has stolen resources from me. Resources *are* money.
Everytime a network is smurfed, network resources have been stolen.
And just because you have not secured against it doesn't mean it is any less of a theft. Case law already exists that holds that a theft is still a theft even if the house was unlocked. The ordinary person would not assume it to be right to take something just because it happens to be easy to do so. Spam is probably more equivalent to shoplifting than it is to burglary; just as illegal.
Relays aren't the only problem. The problem is that SPAM is an acceptable form of advertising in the eyes of the US Government (and others). Much of the spam we receive comes from hotmail, msn, ATT worldnet dialups, etc. It's not sent through a relay, but sent through the original dynamically assigned IP. Spam software gets smarter all the time.
And all of it through the SMTP server for that dialup? Wow! It must be horrendously clogged up.
As it's been pointed out several times, including the last NANOG, there are no technical means available to eliminate SPAM, only reduce it.
A vision hit me of that little game with the heads popping up at random and the kid with the big plastic hammer pounding them back down. -- Phil Howard | eat2this@no35ads5.net crash741@no44ads3.com a7b1c7d3@no2where.org phil | eat14me3@anyplace.com stop3it4@anyplace.net stop9034@dumbads3.com at | stop3270@spammer1.com eat85me0@dumbads1.net ads1suck@dumbads4.edu milepost | eat97me0@noplace7.net stop9it7@dumbads3.org no95ads8@nowhere2.com dot | no4spam4@noplace4.edu w3x8y7z2@s2p5a6m6.edu stop8157@anyplace.edu com | stop4ads@no01ads9.com eat4this@no4where.org no32ads6@lame1ads.net