It appears that you have already found it. what's wrong with tcp-replay? i'm not sure exactly what you mean by "simulated client". are you looking for interactivity? i saw this problem/need described well in chapter 4 of microsoft press "Hunting Security Bugs". the authors of the book provide a tool called MITM (on their companion site). The book also provides a link to a tool called Interactive TCP Relay the Unix opensource tools netcat, scapy, and blackbag (especially telson, blit) may also help out. also, in particular for HTTPS, you may want to consider using a local http proxy such as the very popular burpproxy. there are scripts to parse and replay burp's logfiles generated from request/responses available in various places, including Network Security Tools from O'Reilly. dre On 12/12/06, william(at) <> wrote:
I need to find utility for testing of application debugging issue that can replay captured ip traffic, something similar to description at: William Leibzon