"The irony of it is that the confirmation e-mail is being blocked by Yahoo, and therefore you will not receive the confirmation mail," said Eric Greenberg, chief technology officer of NetFrameworks ...
... who hasn't a clue what he's talking about. I checked with a friend who's a tech manager at Yahoo, and when I gave him the IP range that donotcall is using (I registered at 1 AM when it was fast and got most of my mail right away), he checked and found that in fact Yahoo hadn't blocked anything and at worst had filed some of them in the Bulk folder, since they're certainly bulky. Other people have reported delays of up to 11 hours getting their confirmation mail, so it's clear that a few people have misinterpreted slow mail as blocked mail. The donotcall.gov project certainly does seem to have been a learning experience. Next time there's a project like this that's going to have a big first day spike it'd make sense to do load shedding and divert peak traffic to a server that says "sorry, we're overloaded, please come back tomorrow and don't panic because you have until the end of July to sign up and be on the first release of the list." That and fix the rDNS and price out some alternatives to Redmond Bloatware, of course. -- John R. Levine, IECC, POB 727, Trumansburg NY 14886 +1 607 330 5711 johnl@iecc.com, Village Trustee and Sewer Commissioner, http://iecc.com/johnl, Member, Provisional board, Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail