On Tuesday, the 26th of August, J.D. was saying:
I'll ignore Nathan's defense because IMHO it has no place on this list, and get straight to the operational issues.
I'd assume that everybody is currently either already doing his or planning to do it RSN. How can one tell, however, whether their carrier is using their own fiber or leasing Worldcom's? Or even if Worldcom has been leasing /theirs/, thus putting you right back on the same physical line?
Or putting their fiber right next to Worldcom's on the same physical route... My $0.02... ************************************************************** Timothy Brown <tim@priori.net> voice: +1.650.482.2840 Network Operations fax: +1.650.482.2844 PRIORI NETWORKS, INC. NOC: +1.888.ISPS.NOC "The People You Know. The People You Trust." **************************************************************