At 22:19 08/26/2000 -0700, Randy Bush wrote:
Almost every major network map looks identical.
this is less true for the real maps than those from marketing departments and third party dealers in bumph. yes, providers are in all the same places, at least in the states. but the details of how they get there, how they do redundancy, how they handle wet paths, ... differ non-trivially.
but, to your basic question, i am not aware of anyone doing non-fluff studies of where everyone inter-connects. hard to do as all the majors' inter-connections are under nda...
Agreed in general, Randy, but I think that the interconnection points are not the only issue here. Any point where failure probabilities are not mutually independent would be a concern to me -- and I agree, I don't know of anybody doing serious work on this (probably because it is a difficult problem). For example, instances where multiple providers happen to ride the same fiber (and are thus vulnerable to the same backhoe) are interesting, especially where the fiber is not part of a ring. Food for thought, - Scott