we have a routing issue within savvis <http://puck.nether.net/netops/nocs.cgi?ispname=savvis> says to contact ssc@savvis.net and ipnoc@savvis.net the latter does not answer email. the former is invalid ... while talking to cluster9.us.messagelabs.com.: >>> DATA <<< 550 Invalid recipient <ssc@savvis.net> (#5.1.1) 550 5.1.1 <ssc@savvis.net>... User unknown <<< 503 RCPT first (#5.5.1) could someone with routing filter fu at savvis please contact us out of band? thanks.
for the archives o someone gave us a different front door address at savvis. the tech there replied that, as it was the site of their customer, they could not help [0]. o i also received a response to the nanog post from an engineer. it was to - say they will have the broken email listings fixed - say they will chase down internally with customer you can guess who i would hire. randy -- [0] - at the companies where i have worked (which vix says is a skewed sample), "not my job" is a CLM. the customer pays me for it to be my job. i may not be able to disclose, but i sure as hell will chase.