On Thu, May 24, 2001 at 06:27:50PM -0700, Roeland Meyer wrote:
Is too... I send large documents regularly, via email. I just sent a 125 page word doc, with about 20 embedded Visio drawings and a bunch of embedded Excel spreadsheets. It was huge.
My condolences.
Most of the recipients are on dialups with Win98. How else do you expect me to get it to them ... FTP? Most of them are NOT computer jocks.
https+auth with an interface designed to cater to the technologically impaired, perhaps? I can't speak for your clients, but if I were using a substandard workstation OS with a local mail client, crawling along on dialup, I certainly would not enjoy downloading large multi-megabyte mail attachments. More importantly, the high thresholds required on the recipient's MTA in order to receive such mail do significantly weaken their defenses against certain forms of abuse. -adam