To summarise, if there is no longer a need, pleasedo either one of the following three things:1| send it back to the RIR;2| change the word *lease* to *transfer* andannounce your willing to transfer the INRs you hold.3| do not hesitate to discuss your alternatives withthe RIR's Staff. They are paid to support you!
Dear NANOG-ers,Hope this email finds you in good health!Please see my comments below, inline...
Le jeudi 6 juillet 2023, Owen DeLong via NANOG <> a écrit :Karin,Opinions regarding leasing vary throughout the industry. In my opinion, since the shift to provider assigned addresses during the CIDR efforts in the mid 1990s, the majority of addresses have been leased in one form or another.Hi Owen,Thanks for your email, you mean that such activity was supported bya policy? or it was just a disruption of a principlewhich is fundamental; in order to guarantee thatthe common INRs (Internet Number Resources)are fairly distributed and not easily stockpilled?The only thing novel here is the leasing of addresses independent of connectivity services.So! it's a leasing of something not owned? and itbecame worse with the idea of Monkey(ing it)-In-The-middle (MITM)...What's the difference, please?Are you trying to change a definition, in order toconvince this community that this sad practicewas started at the very beginning of the INRs distribution?What's your understanding of "need-based"?Why are they stocking INRs without any need toproperly use it?...imho! the waiting list would be less longer withthose INRs withing the free pools.However, once the RIRs and their communities normalized the sale of addresses through directed transfer policies, I think this was anAny RIR's policy you can share, to support your say?inevitable next step in the devolution of IPv4 into a monetized asset.What's the relation between leasing INRs andtransfering it?Brother, you know that:* an INR transfer is a one time change in holdership* where leasing INRs is a proof that there is nolonger any need of the community's resource held....imho! the communities chose a good approachin support to those who maintain Internet servicesand build the Internet infrastructure. It should beseen as an exceptional rule, not the usual...becauseit's an alternative when need ends....the other alternative, consistent with the principle,is not the leasing of INRs; but the returning.It doesn’t help that the earliest and most prolific adopters of this form of leasing have been snowshoe spammers.It helps to better understand how bad is the thing :'(...please, do consider the following scenario:|1. you have a fundamental principle for INRs distribution within the regional RIR|2. for each resource holder, the RIR is responsibleto enforce the Policy Manual|3. a resource holder receives some INRs from aregional RIR|4. that resource holder stops to comply to theprinciple in "1"|5. the INRs delegated to that resource holder arenot used according to the community-based PolicyManual|6. in order to justify its use, that resource holderassign part of the delegated INRs to its clients|7. the clients are asked to comply the the PolicyManual; including the fundamental principle in "1"|8. .How shall it end?However, there are leasing agencies that insist on getting proper justification from their customers and have strong anti-abuse policies.Great! btw! what's their need? who need a MITMin the process, when it's possible to simply transferthe resource or simply send it back to the free pool?I would strongly encourage you to seek out such an organization to partner with if you choose to lease your addresses as there are a number of pitfalls you can encounter otherwise....risks are either ways! would you recommendto someone to put its private keys within oneelse personal's computer?Hi Karim,To summarise, if there is no longer a need, pleasedo either one of the following three things:1| send it back to the RIR;2| change the word *lease* to *transfer* andannounce your willing to transfer the INRs you hold.3| do not hesitate to discuss your alternatives withthe RIR's Staff. They are paid to support you!Thanks.Shalom,--sb.OwenOn Jul 3, 2023, at 08:25, Noah <> wrote:Hi KARIM,Considering the fact that IPs are requested on need-basis by resource holders to number your own networks/systems and that of your clients?Any reason why MEKTEL would want to offer IPs for lease?Cheers,./noahOn Mon, Jul 3, 2023 at 6:16 PM KARIM MEKKAOUI <> wrote:[...]
--Best Regards !
baya.sylvain[AT cmNOG DOT cm]|<>
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#MaPrière est que tu naisses de nouveau. #Chrétiennement
«Comme une biche soupire après des courants d’eau, ainsi mon âme soupire après TOI, ô DIEU!»(#Psaumes42:2)