On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 8:50 PM Sean Donelan <sean@donelan.com> wrote:
On Tue, 16 Feb 2021, Cory Sell via NANOG wrote:
adoption. Sure, wind isn’t perfect, but looks like solution relied on failed in a massive way.
Strange the massive shortages and failures are only in one state.
The extreme cold weather extends northwards across many states, which aren't reporting rolling blackouts.
Isn't that a result of ERCOT stubbornly refusing to interconnect with the rest of the national grid, out of an irrational fear of coming under federal regulation? I suspect that trying to be self-sufficient works most of the time--but when you get to the edges of the bell curve locally, your ability to be resilient and survive depends heavily upon your ability to be supported by others around you. This certainly holds true for individual humans; I suspect power grids aren't that different. Matt