On Oct 19, 2023, at 5:25 PM, Eric Kuhnke <eric.kuhnke@gmail.com> wrote:
Does anyone have general statistics on:
a) Number of eligible voting org IDs
b) Percentage of eligible voting org IDs which actually cast ballots in previous ARIN elections
That’s an interesting question to ask over here on nanog’s mailing list, but anyway here goes -
ARIN 2022 Election Results - https://www.arin.net/announcements/20221031_results/ARIN 2021 Election Results - https://www.arin.net/announcements/20211117_election/ARIN 2020 Election Results - https://www.arin.net/announcements/20201103_election/
Each election result posting contains a summary at the bottom that includes metrics you seek - For example -===
2020 Voter Statistics
- 6,689 ARIN Members as of 8 September 2020
- 5,684 ARIN eligible Voting Organizations* as of 8 September 2020
- ARIN Board of Trustees election: 490 voters on behalf of 603 unique ARIN Member organizations cast a ballot in the ARIN Board of Trustees election
- ARIN Advisory Council election: 485 voters on behalf of 595 unique ARIN Member organizations cast a ballot in the ARIN Advisory Council election
*ARIN Member in Good Standing with a properly registered Voting Contact linked to an ARIN Online account as of 8 September 2020.
Best wishes,/John
John CurranPresident and CEOAmerican Registry for Internet Numbers