On Sun, 13 Jul 1997, Vadim Antonov wrote:
randy> So, at POP X, I take in maybe 100 prefixes, with maybe 1000 randy> at some POPs. How do I build and maintain that filter list,
alan@mindvision.com (Alan Hannan) wrote:
The same way you build and maintain routing filter lists for the prefixes you take in.
Bzzt. Routing filter lists are applied to routing updates. Packet filter lists are applied to packets.
Big difference.
1000-entry packet filter will slow any existing router down to crawl, and practically all future boxes won't do any better.
Vadim, I think Alan was talking about the mechanics of building such a list, not deploying them in particular. Given the information required to effectively filter cutomer routes, I'd suggest that one has enough information to create a packet filter list based on them. It's just matter of "simple" database work and automation. ;) -dorian