I don't know much about Juniper but I'm about to learn with a new job. If I'm going to take full routes from a couple of upstreams and have a couple of peers will the M10i (768M max) be enough or is the M20 (2048M max) a better choice. Layout here is such that I'd expect to use a single quad gigabit port ethernet blade in each of a pair of M10i/M20 to achieve redundancy.
As mentioned in another email, the M10i can use the RE-850 which has 1.5 GByte on the RE. As for the GigE cards: Note that the 4 port GigE PIC for M10i/M7i (PE-4GE-TYPE1-SFP-IQ2) has 1 GigE (full duplex) backplane capacity, thus you will *not* be able to run all 4 ports line rate at the same time. I haven't checked whether the same restriction also applies to the corresponding M20 card. Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug@nethelp.no