-----Original Message----- From: Edward B. Dreger [mailto:eddy+public+spam@noc.everquick.net]
Correct. One must shell out more money for a bigger feature set to obtain SSH. I don't recall specifics off the top of my head, and don't have a javascript-cable machine handy to use Feature Navigator[*], but certain { feature sets | trains } only support SSHv1.
I don't see why they can't roll it into every ios that runs on a router capable of ssh. Ssh and sshd on my linux system barely break 500k compiled... And there's a TON of functionality in there that isn't required on a router. It would seem that you could get ssh put into these code trains in under 500k ... Personally, I like having a little wiggle room in the flash ... Putting an image on there that occupies the entire flash is a bad thing...
[*] Quick gripe: Did anyone at Cisco ever consider that people might like to use Feature Navigator without javascript? What's next? Mandatory Flash Player?
I concur.. Mandatory Javascript sucks... Esp when Mozilla and Firefox have problems viewing the pages... Cisco's site became decidedly un-useful when they switched it over to this new design...
Jason Frisvold Penteledata