On Jul 15, 2014, at 5:02 PM, Brett Glass <nanog@brettglass.com> wrote:
At 05:10 PM 7/15/2014, George Herbert wrote:
Layer3 runs right through Laramie. With a redundant run slightly south. What conversations have you had with them?...
At first, Level3 completely refused us. Then, they quoted us a rate several times higher than either of our existing upstreams for bandwidth. Even at that price, they refused to let us link to them via wireless (requiring us to either buy easements or buy land adjacent to their building, which sits on rented land).
--Brett Glass
Local fiber provider? How does everyone else tie in to Layer3 in Laramie? And, find a Layer3 reseller who can handle the cost problem. There are a bunch. I can recommend one privately if you can't find one. Buying retail markups from the vendor who wants to sell wholesale only does not scale. George William Herbert Sent from my iPhone