Jan: InMon Traffic Server does sFlow (RFC3176), NetFlow, and XRMON. Demonstration is at www.inmon.com/its. Foundry implements XRMON in the JetCore ASIC. Every port can become an XRMON/sFlow probe. You can set the sampling rate to sample off every port in real time with sFlow. SNMP data is piggybacked/pushed (not polled) with sFlow data. Unlike NetFlow, you can implement this on every port without a performance impact. InMon Traffic Server becomes a real time tool in this instance. I think this is better than NetFlow (whitepapers from statisticians convinced me), but we do NetFlow too. Regardless, I believe it is reasonably priced and you can download a 30 day eval to see if it meets your NetFlow needs. It installs on RedHat and it doesn't take long to get it up and running. 42.3% of all statistics are made up on the fly... Gary
-----Original Message----- From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu] On Behalf Of Jan-Ahrent Czmok Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 8:50 PM To: nanog@merit.edu Subject: accounting software (free or $$$)
Hi all,
i am looking some kind of software for a customer of mine.
it should do either netflow or ip accounting collection from cisco.
it should produce individual customer views (like /23 network) based on that accounting.
a lot of products exist, but nothings fits the "normal small isp needs"
can anyone make me a recommendation for a linux based software either open source or $$$.