On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 10:25:26AM -0400, Stewart MacLund wrote:
www.datacommwarehouse.com lists the 3548 with enterprise s/w at $3,630US. a 16-port 460t lists for $830US. a 24-port 460t lists for $1110US. cheaper out of the box as well as cheaper per port, or did i miss something? My apologies. I was actually looking at an Intel 510T switch, not the 460T. The 510T is a stackable switch. The 3548 ran me 5385cdn, and the 510T was 2276. Since the 3548 is 48 ports, it's 111.63cdn a port. The 510T was 94.83 a port. Oh. Hm. Odd. Why the hell did i go with the Cisco? Oh, i remember. The Intel was a 4 week delivery thing, whilst the 3548 was immediate. And i'm Cisco biased. :)
and the 460t/16 would be about 77cdn per port. i tend to be cisco-biased when it comed to routers (or, perhaps it's more accurate to say i'm biased _against_ most of cisco's router competitors...). on the other hand, when we're talking LAN instead of WAN (for small stuff, anyway), i'm of the opinion that the cisco line-up is much too expensive (and i don't need that much handholding for a lan switch, and i've already got cco for my router contracts anyway), and a bunch of it is getting long in the tooth.
Looking at my competetive price quote, i was also looking at Nortel Baystack 450-24T ENET Switch for 2618cdn, a 3COM Superstack II Switch 3900 - 36 Port for 4429cdn, and some variations for ports on the cisco and 3com products.
we've had bad experiences with baytel lan stuff, and who knows what direction 3com is going in now-a-days (mid-range LAN doesn't seem to be it, though).
it appears allied telesyn has a 24-port fully managed switch for $740 (AT-8126XL-10), as well as a 16-port model (AT-8118), and although i'd be surprised if port monitoring weren't a feature, the a-t website doesn't seem to specifically mention it. Hm. Buyer beware. Check to make sure. Frankly, i have nothing but good things to say abou the 3548. It's very robust, stacks well, and monitoring is a snap. Mine run CiscoIOS 12.0, which has every feature i'd ever want. You could check to see what the non-enterprise-load-of-the-software version runs for. I'm sure it's cheaper. There was a specific reason i wanted the enterprise load on mine, but being monday morning, my brain is not quite in gear yet. (Hence the train of thought being typed in earlier)
ios12 is a good thing for cisco routers, agreed. they finally folded in nat without requiring the firewall or enterprise feature set. but the original poster seemed to be looking for a cheapie (although reliable, i assume, or why post the question on nanog, after all...) switch that he could snarf a monitor port from, and not a general recommendation for that capability for a mid-range or high-end switch. i think once you get down to the $800 or so range (1200cdn), there's not going to be much difference in what you get. -- Henry Yen Aegis Information Systems, Inc. Senior Systems Programmer Hicksville, New York