On Sat, 28 Jul 2001, Steven J. Sobol wrote:
I'm looking for ways to secure FTP/POP/IMAP myself, as I agree with you. (FWIW.)
While it's a bit klunky, I found Ixplorer soon after I discovered putty (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/). It's a front-end for pscp written in Delphi that mimics the ubiquitous Windows Explorer: http://www.i-tree.org/ixplorer.htm. Source is available. I think your average windows user could get the hang of this pretty quickly. As for IMAP, I've been playing with courier-imap and it has full SSL support. Ditto for the pop daemon that comes with the package, and sqwebmail can be run on an ssl-enabled apache. And then there's the ssl patches for qmail... Just part of an experiment to see how many things I could wrap with ssl :) It was all pretty easy. The hard part would be putting docs together for your users to explain how to click all the relevant checkboxes in their mail program(s). Charles
-- JustThe.net LLC - Steve "Web Dude" Sobol, CTO - sjsobol@JustThe.net
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