I don't post much as I'm mostly on here to learn and have little I can contribute, but... While following all the discussions, I wonder if there's too many people here that work at large highly redundant facilities and live in expensive areas with new circuits. I don't believe the rest of the world has such high expectations. I live in a typical USA '70s era neighborhood and have (this year) had nearly 2 full days without power (not counting that nationwide blackout thing, and not even guessing how many 1-2 hour power losses), 4 or 5 days without dialtone (multiple episodes lasting over a day each, also suffering static on the line everytime it rains), and had the cable modem down for 3 days straight (was up MOST of the time the power was out. As a side note, tried a BRI, but cancelled after the phone company couldn't keep it up more than 50% of the time). We're used to it, that's just life in this city. Cell phone coverage is good in the cities, however the stretches in between, the cell phone is just a paper weight. Just last night, we had 2 T-1s down for 5.5 hours here at work (I must say though, reliability at work has GREATLY improved the last couple of years!)... I can go on and on about this, but won't as this whole thing is really stretching the limits of "network related" now ;-) __________________________________________________________ This message was scanned by GatewayDefender 3:23:48 PM ET - 2/26/2004