On 1/3/2013 9:08 PM, Jimmy Hess wrote:
I am not sure why this would be classified as a feature request. If it is impacting you, and you had service before, then is an Outage/Defect/Bug, full stop. Describing working service for a previously supported scenario as a "feature request" would be beyond ridiculous :)
Clouds in the sky tend to look pretty until the day they dump rain on you and then disappear. "Cloud apps" are kind of like that. ;) Not to say that SaaS doesn't have its place in enterprise architecture, but one of the things that should have a huge, gigantic neon sign on it when you're doing your cost-risk-benefit analysis is that you're being put at the whim of your SaaS provider. If they make a change that breaks functionality that only a subset of their clients use, you'd better hope that one of those clients has enough financial clout with the provider to make that functionality come back, otherwise you've just painted yourself into a corner. - Pete