On 1/3/21 2:01 PM, Andy Brezinsky wrote:
At this point I would assume that nearly every device is persisting at least one long lived TCP connection. Whether it's for telemetry or command and control, everything these days seems to have this capability. As an example, I can hit a button in the Nintendo Switch parent app on my phone and my kid's Switch is reflecting changes a second later. That's not even a platform I would have expected to have that capability.
If they have an existing connection then there lots of high connection count solutions in the IOT space that could easily handle this number of connections. A single 12c 32G box running emqttd could handle 1.3M connections. Just picking a random AWS EC2 size machine, m5.4xlarge, would run you about $0.003/year per device to keep that connection open and passing data. I assume you could drive that down significantly from there.
These days I would expect that just about everything has a websocket. I expect that google docs inspired a generation of applications. Mike