I changed my mind. I want to clear this up. Here is an example of where a patent troll skipped over the manufacturer and went straight for the end customer. There are dozens of these attacking all verticals and manufacturers alike for various reasons. http://dockets.justia.com/docket/texas/txedce/2:2008cv00471/113504/ So a customer buys a product that contains a technology. Then the customer is sued for possessing said technology. You don't think the customer (Merrill Lynch / BofA / Citigroup / etc) isn't gonna take that lawsuit and call the manufacturer up and tell them they are gonna eat it? You don't think a financial institution or a healthcare organization would attempt to recuperate the costs? You don't think that after the fact agreements are put in place so that frivolous lawsuits like this are appropriately handled between the manufacturer and the customer in the future? When millions of dollars are at stake? You don't have to like it. But you should be a little more objective. I am not speaking of specific cases I'm involved in. I just googled a few things and found some results.... -Hammer- "I was a normal American nerd" -Jack Herer On 11/10/2011 12:24 PM, Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu wrote:
On Thu, 10 Nov 2011 12:12:21 CST, -Hammer- said:
WOW. You really are naive....
I think Rich has been around long enough that he gets called a *lot* of things (many of them non-complimentary), but this is the first time this century anybody's called him *naive*... ;)