Never under-estimate the bandwidth of a mini-van filled with DLT tapes, on the freeway at 65 mph. - updated to current - rmeyer - original author unknown
the earliest attribution I've seen is the internet jargon files :sneakernet definition :sneakernet: /snee'ker-net/ /n./ Term used (generally with ironic intent) for transfer of electronic information by physically carrying tape, disks, or some other media from one machine to another. "Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon filled with magtape, or a 747 filled with CD-ROMs." Also called `Tennis-Net', `Armpit-Net', `Floppy-Net' or `Shoenet'. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joel Jaeggli Academic User Services PGP Key Fingerprint: 1DE9 8FCA 51FB 4195 B42A 9C32 A30D 121E -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is clear that the arm of criticism cannot replace the criticism of arms. Karl Marx -- Introduction to the critique of Hegel's Philosophy of the right, 1843.