20 Mar
20 Mar
12:27 p.m.
On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 4:00 PM, Rob Seastrom <rs@seastrom.com> wrote:
Lamar Owen <lowen@pari.edu> writes:
Actually, there is no NEC 384.16 any more, at least in the 2011 code.
Guilty. I reflexively reached for my 2008 copy since that's the code of record here where I live. Glad we're not on 2011, wish we were still on 2005; a lot of stupidity has crept in since then. Tamper-resistant receptacles required in the unfinished basement shop? *really*?
"Think of the children!" I hear the 2017 edition of NFPA 70 (aka NEC) may require one to turn off the power to the entire household in order to plug in a coffee maker to minimize potential arc flash hazard.... (just kidding). Gary