This experiment should be continued.

It's the only way to get people to patch stuff.
And if all it takes to break things is a single announcement, than that's something that should be definitely fixed.

Blacklisting an ASN is not a solution, that's ignorance.

Filip Hruska

On 23 January 2019 18:19:09 CET, Italo Cunha <> wrote:

We have canceled this experiment permanently.

On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 12:00 PM Ben Cooper <> wrote:
Can you stop this?

You caused again a massive prefix spike/flap, and as the internet is not centered around NA (shock horror!) a number of operators in Asia and Australia go effected by your “expirment” and had no idea what was happening or why.

Get a sandbox like every other researcher, as of now we have black holed and filtered your whole ASN, and have reccomended others do the same. 

On Wed, 23 Jan 2019 at 1:19 am, Italo Cunha <> wrote:

This is a reminder that this experiment will resume tomorrow
(Wednesday, Jan. 23rd). We will announce carrying a
BGP attribute of type 0xff (reserved for development) between 14:00
and 14:15 GMT.

On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 10:05 AM Italo Cunha <> wrote:
> We would like to inform you of an experiment to evaluate alternatives
> for speeding up adoption of BGP route origin validation (research
> paper with details [A]).
> Our plan is to announce prefix with a valid
> standards-compliant unassigned BGP attribute from routers operated by
> the PEERING testbed [B, C]. The attribute will have flags 0xe0
> (optional transitive [rfc4271, S4.3]), type 0xff (reserved for
> development), and size 0x20 (256bits).
> Our collaborators recently ran an equivalent experiment with no
> complaints or known issues [A], and so we do not anticipate any
> arising. Back in 2010, an experiment using unassigned attributes by
> RIPE and Duke University caused disruption in Internet routing due to
> a bug in Cisco routers [D, CVE-2010-3035]. Since then, this and other
> similar bugs have been patched [e.g., CVE-2013-6051], and new BGP
> attributes have been assigned (BGPsec-path) and adopted (large
> communities). We have successfully tested propagation of the
> announcements on Cisco IOS-based routers running versions 12.2(33)SRA
> and 15.3(1)S, Quagga and 1.1.1, as well as BIRD 1.4.5 and
> 1.6.3.
> We plan to announce from 8 PEERING locations for a
> predefined period of 15 minutes starting 14:30 GMT, from Monday to
> Thursday, between the 7th and 22nd of January, 2019 (full schedule and
> locations [E]). We will stop the experiment immediately in case any
> issues arise.
> Although we do not expect the experiment to cause disruption, we
> welcome feedback on its safety and especially on how to make it safer.
> We can be reached at
> Amir Herzberg, University of Connecticut
> Ethan Katz-Bassett, Columbia University
> Haya Shulman, Fraunhofer SIT
> Ítalo Cunha, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
> Michael Schapira, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
> Tomas Hlavacek, Fraunhofer SIT
> Yossi Gilad, MIT
> [A]
> [B]
> [C]
> [D]
> [E]
Ben Cooper
Chief Executive Officer
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