On Sep 18, 2007, at 1:30 PM, David Conrad wrote:
On Sep 18, 2007, at 5:45 AM, Jeroen Massar wrote:
Please please please, for the sake of a semi-'standard', please only use the following forms in those cases:
www.<domain> www.ipv6.<domain> www.ipv4.<domain>
Don't come up with any other variants. The above form is what is in general use around the internet and what some people will at least try to use in cases where a DNS label has both an AAAA and A and one of them doesn't work. You can of course add them, it is your DNS, but with the above people might actually try them.
What RFC (or other standards publication) is this documented in?
Where did the www.ipv6 and www.ipv4 "standard" come from? As for end- users such as normal non-network people, having a standard that adds more characters than necessary (that eventually may become arbitrary) seems rather silly. Why wouldn't w4.<domain> or w6.<domain> suffice for this purpose rather than making it overly scientific? I can understand the want to use ipv4 etc to separate out other services such as DNS, SMPT, etc, but everyone does what they want with those services anyway. -Barrett