On Mar 23, 2014 7:24 PM, "Mike Hale" <eyeronic.design@gmail.com> wrote:
It's derisive because you completely dismiss a huge security issue that, given the state of IPv6 adoption, a great majority of companies are facing.
The original assertion was that there are unaddressed security weaknesses in IPv6 itself preventing its adoption. At least that's the way I read it. And that assertion is mostly FUD.
Calling it FUD is completely wrong because it *is* a legitimate security issue for most businesses. Sure, you've got the few who have been able to properly plan for and secure their networks against the increased attack surface of IPv6, but again...most companies haven't.
Well, it's hardly a few at this point, unless by few you simply mean a minority. But it's a numerous and growing minority. Moreover, the acknowledgement that enterprises have been able to properly plan and deploy IPv6 while appropriately mitigating the security risks shows the claim that there are security weaknesses in IPv6 preventing its adoption is false. Now admittedly if an enterprise hasn't done any security planning or assessments then they aren't ready to deploy IPv6. But there's nothing inherent to IPv6 stopping them. Scott