AFRINIC has received clearance of enough money to cover their normal expenses
for August and September. As such, there shouldn’t be any problems with salaries
or “human cost” in those months. Hopefully given that reprieve, cooler heads at
AFRINIC can prevail and some form of settlement can be achieved before they run
out of money from that reprieve.
It's good that people are still being paid.
That being said, while some may have the opinion that AFRINIC's actions have been 'objectionable' , others have the opinion that their actions were justified and proper. Does it not concern you at all that AFRINIC may be forced into a 'settlement' because they cannot access their funds due to a very dubious claim of damages?
There are enough challenges with the internet in Africa to work through already. We shouldn't encourage more difficulties by endorsing strongarm tactics that prevent issues from being properly adjudicated in courts.