[At least we are back on topic.] At 04:18 PM 10/29/2001 -0500, Wojtek Zlobicki wrote:
Digital Island violated common courtesy by not informing users that it was scanning ahead of time. Listservs like this one reach a very large number of people and could have been a start of getting information out there. I am not opposed to certain probes, I am opposed to probes that I do not know about.
Even if you ask for DI content? DI said they only ping people who download DI web pages (or DI customer pages or something). If that is the case, and assuming the "probes" are a small fraction of the total amount of data downloaded (say low-single-digit-percentages), would you still be opposed to such probes? How about if they had a web page or e-mail address or something else where you could tell them "don not scan CIDR x.y.z.0/nn"? -- TTFN, patrick