I write:
Which somewhat explains why this group reminds me of a bunch of decapitated hens.
Would it be correct to interpret your last sentence as:
We don't what the underlying cause of the growth in prefixes is (new allocations, old allocations, ISP's not aggregating).
With other words, we don't even know if the I-D in question is fixing the right problem.
[the CC list is getting very long, I've tried to trim it a bit] Just to provide some hard (haha) data I wipped up a perl script and dumped a full routing table from one of our routers. Daniel Karrenberg has produced similar numbers before if I remember correctly. In any case this allows a large amount of finger pointing (located in Europe I particulary happy with the performance of 193/24), in particular visual inspection of 199/24 would seem to indicate a -lot- of aggregation potential. Format /24 prefix #of prefixes %of total address space announced All usual disclaimers apply (I've not done more than a couple of sanity checks on the data). 6 1 100 9 2 00 12 1 100 13 1 100 16 1 100 17 1 100 18 1 100 20 1 100 26 1 100 32 1 100 33 1 100 34 1 100 35 1 100 36 1 100 38 1 100 39 25 00 40 1 100 44 1 100 45 1 100 46 1 100 50 1 100 57 1 100 128 175 68 129 180 70 130 147 57 131 129 80 132 90 70 133 153 59 134 215 75 135 11 04 136 56 25 137 159 66 138 117 57 139 100 39 140 148 57 141 168 81 142 121 100 143 111 45 144 118 46 145 15 05 146 125 48 147 149 60 148 100 40 149 151 58 150 148 59 151 65 23 152 84 49 153 56 24 154 3 01 155 123 53 156 58 22 157 125 49 158 136 61 159 118 45 160 106 47 161 109 42 162 64 25 163 106 41 164 104 41 165 124 50 166 71 24 167 90 46 168 121 47 169 26 13 170 72 28 171 5 26 192 6743 25 193 1953 100 194 1298 28 195 1 100 196 280 04 197 1 00 198 4109 55 199 3372 54 200 273 09 202 1243 19 203 580 33 204 3013 69 205 1217 33 206 329 19 208 3 00 Simon