On Mar 22, 2014, at 10:10 PM, John Levine <johnl@iecc.com> wrote:
It will be a long time before the price of v4 rises high enough to make it worth the risk of going v6 only.
New ISP's are born everyday.
Some of them will be able to have a "Buy an ISP that has IPv4" or "Buy IPv4 space from known brokers" line item in their budget as part of their launch plans.
Most won't.
In Africa, I suppose, but here in North America, the few remaining ISPs that aren't part of giant cable or phone companies are hanging on by their teeth.
Also, although it is fashionable to say how awful CGN is, the users don't seem to mind it at all.
R's, John
That depends on the level of service the users are already accustomed to. The generally piss-poor average level of service in the US may not be as noticeably impacted by CGN as better services. It also depends on the class of user. I know that I would pretty much be unable to continue subscribing to any provider that stuck me behind a CGN. It would be interesting to get visibility into the opt-out rate for Verizon’s “Address Sharing” announcement. Owen