16 Nov
16 Nov
7:26 a.m.
At 03:34 PM 11/14/97 -0500, Phil Lawlor wrote: Does this statement have anything to do with your recent crucifiction on the cover of Boardwatch (Nov 1997)? :-) -Hank
This is completely incorrect. AGIS' AUP can be found at www.agis.net. We are vigorously enforcing our AUP. AGIS will not sell connectivity to UCE businesses, and have not for some time. We investigate all complaints about AGIS' customers that are sent to abuse@agis.net. Spammers have been terminated, and will continue to be as long as I run this company.
Thank you,
Phil Lawlor President AGIS Voice - 313-730-1130 Fax - 313-563-6119