On Mon, 21 May 2007 michael.dillon@bt.com wrote:
There's an interesting read from NRIC about this problem: "Signposts on the information superhighway" I think it's called. Essentially no one aside from propeller-head folks understand that there is something aside from 'com'
Seems to me they are missing something here. Essentially no-on except from propeller-head folks uses the DNS for anything at all. Websites come from Google or bookmarks. Email addresses come from a directory or an incoming email or a business card.
This is sort of the point of the NRIC document/book... 'we need to find/make/use a directory system for the internet' then much talk of how "dns was supposed to be that but for a number of reasons it's not, google/<insert favorite search engine> is instead"
P.S., the .xx domains make the world look like a collection of countries all connected to the same Internet. But the reality is that the world is divided into a bunch of language zones, most of which cross several borders, and which don't tend to communicate much with the Internet that Americans see. For instance, what use does a Hungarian speaking native of Ukraine have for cnn.com? Or a SerboCroatian speaking native of Hungary?
oh, cnn doesn't publish their content in these tongues? :) they are missing a marketting opportunity! :) -Chris