Then, some of you will ask how to enforce this. Once every so often, you dump the BGP routing tables from strategic routers. If you see any non-matching prefixes, you send an email to the network coordinator for the allocated block giving them a set amount of time to clean it up. Any routes which are not cleaned up by the deadline are added to a filter list which could be carried on routers.
Sorry, *who* gets to play the net politzai? Registries have no control over service providers, and service providers have insufficient human resources to do that (and most won't do that anyway). Note that updating exterior policy filters by a large ISP involves carefully planned and timed update on some dozen-odd routers, so it is not done often, and certainly won't be done just to punish some clueless luser. We'll be back shortly after the expected RA advertisement break... --vadim Not speaking for Sprint.