I am told by someone with direct knowledge that all they want is some estimate of numbers of pops and methods of connecting them. IE some data about proposed network topology and nothing more and that they pledge to keep this confidential.
Karl defined what was wanted in rather broader terms unless I misunderstood his message. Why can't some general estimate at this fairly high and abstract level with geographic locations of POPS not precisely pin pointed (pick the radius that suits you - 10 miles - 5- or 50 miles) be given. Several people directly involved in the process are telling me that such general and fairly abstract data is quite sufficient and that they absolutely do NOT want anything to do with how the ISP defines it future market.
Karl: is it your point that you cannot even give general data without giving away more than you want about market you are pursuing?
******************************************************************** Gordon Cook, Editor & Publisher Subscript.: Individ-ascii $85
No, we provided them with that general data and were told that wasn't enough information for them to make a decision. The general case is publically known and isn't something that is considered proprietary; the specific case is, and is not something we're about to disclose. -- -- Karl Denninger (karl@MCS.Net)| MCSNet - The Finest Internet Connectivity Modem: [+1 312 248-0900] | (shell, PPP, SLIP, leased) in Chicagoland Voice: [+1 312 248-8649] | 6 POPs online through Chicago, all 28.8 Fax: [+1 312 248-9865] | Email to "info@mcs.net" for more information ISDN: Surf at Smokin' Speed | WWW: http://www.mcs.net, gopher: gopher.mcs.net