P.S. This crap appears to be be brought to us courtesy of AS29632, NetAssist, LLC:
assuming accuracy of records, etc... ;-) or courtesy of both AS43659 (who was peering with and announcing the prefix to) and AS29632 (who was then accepting and announcing to its upstreams)? seems to be an interesting relationship between the two (2) of them; along with an even more interesting relationship/affiliation between AS43659 and AS57166 - and the upstream for both the ASNs is/was AS29632 (NetAssist LLC). ;-) - AS57166 UA-D2INVESTUKRAINE-AS, UA; D2 International Investment Ukraine Ltd. - AS43659 BUDREMYER-AS, UA; D2 International Investment Ukraine Ltd. SAME EMAIL/ABUSE CONTACTS (and address) for both ASNs (AS43659 and AS57166): - EMAIL CONTACTS: abuse@etthua.net; d2invest@meta.ua; support@etthua.net - ABUSE CONTACTS: abuse@etthua.net RELATED DOMAINS: - budremyer.su - etthua.net - meta.ua BOGUS ROUTES AND AS ANNOUNCEMENTS AS47860 -Reserved AS-, ZZ - - Origins: 47860 (7d 10h 47m 1s, 1 times) -- (AS47860: -Reserved AS-, ZZ) Next AS Hops: 43659 (7d 10h 47m 1s, 1 times) -- (AS43659: BUDREMYER-AS , UA) Paths: 4608 1221 4637 174 29632 43659 47860 (5d 13h 41m 44s, 1 times, avg 5d 13h 41m 44.0s) 4777 2497 6939 29632 29632 29632 29632 29632 43659 47860 (1d 21h 5m 17s, 1 times, avg 1d 21h 5m 17.0s) AS47860 -> AS43659 -> AS29632 - AS47860 (RIPE NCC ASN BLOCK); http://www.cidr-report.org/cgi-bin/as-report?as=AS47860&view=2.0 - AS43659 (BUDREMYER-AS, UKRAINE); http://www.cidr-report.org/cgi-bin/as-report?as=AS43659&view=2.0 - AS29632 (NASSIST-AS, UKRAINE); http://www.cidr-report.org/cgi-bin/as-report?as=AS29632&view=2.0 - UPSTREAM ADJACENT AS - AS20485 TRANSTELECOM Moscow, Russia, RU - AS29107 SYNAPSE-AS , UA - AS8359 MTS , RU - AS35320 ETT-AS , UA - AS6939 HURRICANE - Hurricane Electric, Inc., US regards, -- .karpenko On 2016-10-05T16:55:18-0700, Ronald F. Guilmette <rfg@tristatelogic.com> wrote:
My analysis: Serious and apparently long-lived bogosity, with a clear history of substantial spamming aactivity.
But you be the judge.
Looks to me like an unregistered RIPE AS announcing a route to a /20 worth of unregistered RIPE IPv4 space.
And this didn't exactly crop up just yesterday. Looks like this has been ongoing for one hell of a long time:
Of course, it's not even nearly as much of an issue -now- as it was, say, about 1 year ago, in October of 2015, when the /20 was apparently populated by a huge boat load of snowshoe spammer domains. Sadly, Spamhaus has a bad habit of consistantly failing to ever put any helpful date information on any of its listings, otherwise I'd be able to see when -they- first noticed this absurd mess.
Anyway, it's rather annoying to me personally... and I hope I'm not the only one who feels that way... to know that this has gone mostly unnoticed for so long, that nobody within the RIPE region has ever bothered to -do- anything about it, and that the AS and the bogus route are still being announced, even as we speak.
Assuming the thing remains in play, how long will be be before the spammers return to use and abuse it yet again?
Maybe they were just waiting for a full year to go by so that they might have some hopes of this /20 being automatically aged off some blacklists.
Regards, rfg
P.S. This crap appears to be be brought to us courtesy of AS29632, NetAssist, LLC:
So anyway, where are the grownups?
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