Maybe try:

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On Fri, Mar 24, 2023 at 9:31 AM Jose Montero Martín (TRABAJO) <> wrote:
Good morning,

Our customers are facing issues accessing Hulu from our Cogent IPs geolocated in the US. Every time they try to log in they receive the following prompted message:
"Something went wrong. Please try again later"

With a big black button "Log out and try again"

These IPs are perfectly located but we are still having problems. I read all the thread related in the newsletter and also read the webpage.

I also contacted Hulu via customer support and, also using Digital Envoy contact webpage and e-mail. I always receive an e-mail informing us that there is no location or proxy problem either.

Even further, I tried with another Cogent IP range also located in the US with success.

Anyone who can help me even off the list would be appreciated.

Kind regards,