On 28 November 2013 13:07, Leo Vegoda <leo.vegoda@icann.org> wrote:
Andrew D Kirch wrote:
Was I the only one who thought that everything about this was great apart from this comment:
In reality additional poking leads me to believe AT&T gives you a rather generous /60
Is a /60 what is considered generous these days? I thought a /48 was considered normal and a /56 was considered a bit tight. What prefix lengths are residential access providers handing out by default these days?
Remember, this is just 6rd. With 6rd, a /60 does sound quite generous indeed. And it's a /60 for each IPv4 you have, e.g. if you have a static IP allocation with AT&T U-verse, say, a /27, then you're effectively getting a /55 (plus also an additional /60 for the DHCP address in a shared subnet to which your /27 is routed to). That said, I wholeheartedly agree with your comment otherwise. C.