From: Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2003 05:16:59 -0400 Sender:
--==_Exmh_1712933459P Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
On Tue, 15 Apr 2003 15:24:41 -0000, "E.B. Dreger" <> said:
It seems many are curious about fringe benefits. That makes as good of a starting point as any. "ICANN support" and "other
I've seen places that have "salary" in one category, and "fringe benefits" is everything else - employer contributions to medical insurance, retirement plans, Social Security, workmen's comp insurance, and so on.
How (or even whether) it adds up to 40% of salary I admit to not knowing.
This is a nearly universal accounting practice. After all, benefits cost money and they have to be accounted for in any annual report. (The title, "Fringe Benefits", is probably not commonly used, though.) 40% is fairly light. I know that the standard benefits package for University of California employees is more than that. It includes medical insurance or at least a big part of it), non-industrial disability, dental, eye care, retirement, social security (for most employees), sick leave, annual leave, workers' compensation, unemployment insurance and many more small items. (Yes, UC has above average benefits.) I don't see anything inappropriate about the ARIN numbers. R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer E-mail: Phone: +1 510 486-8634