Randy Bush wrote:
if the above were true, and i believe that they are, what would the oh so brilliant and deeply experienced in large scale production systems readers of this list do to responsibly yet strongly inhibit such slimeful activity
Sarcasm aside, to answer your 4th point, why not require payment (i.e. a cleared check, or credit card) before registering? No grace period. And so what if domain squatters want to squat? A) They paid the price, and B) Netsol's current registration process for their $114.95 deal encourages this (i.e. to quote their new web site: These Web Addresses are also available! Register your name in all 3 extensions (.com, .net, .org) to create a stronger online identity and keep your competitors from using it. Just click the box next to each web address you want to Reserve or Register (definitions below). Points 1-3 have already been discussed before (the solution is instituting a whois engine that allows the registrant to restrict who can/can't read their contact data). Feel free to ask me about this if you skipped the engine discussion. /rlj