Hi Jay, Jay Ashworth:
Sure. And he's not always right either; none of us are. But he gave cogent arguments to support his point, and you gave us
He gave good arguments. You, however, did not.
None of which amounts to "wants to hurt people", which is what you accused him of.
I was out of line here. I apologize to Michael. I don't think he took offense, but if he did I genuinely regret it.
And yet I see tha tyou don't yourself bother to try to prove your argument; you merely continue to go after Michael and I on peripheral points. No pun intended.
Didn't have to: you didn't address anything other than personal or peripheral stuff.
Sure. Online coke machines are just about as cool as coffee-pot webcams.
They were in 1995. Back when the first one went online. That was too cool for me to express.
But they're orthogonal to the discussion that was at hand, and your returning to that well in the middle of a serious discussion suggests that you, yourself, are not all that serious.
Or perhaps that I was trying to cool the discussion down a bit. I had already tried to bring it to a close once.... It was an extended hyperbole of ridiculousness. Soda machines. MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm.
Once is tongue in cheek. Twice or three times is dilettante.
No, I think it just proves that saying the same stupid joke three times doesn't make it funny. Doesn't mean I am a dilettante network operator. Just means I'm not funny. ;-)
I don't know, Patrick; you seem to be the one emotionalizing the argument.
Yeah, I have a sharp tongue too. And I am a dillettante. And everything I say is just so cute and precious. And I am Wrong.
I'm out of this one though; we are certainly out of AUP.
I'm with you on this, for sure. If you want to address me off-list please feel free. --Patrick Darden