8 Apr
8 Apr
3:14 p.m.
The Juniper QFX10002-36Q has 36 40GbE Ports. They can be broken out to up to 144 10GbE ports, or 1/3 of them can be used for 100GbE. So, if you use 6 100GbE ports and still have 72 10GbE ports. I have not seen one of these yet in person, but it is the smallest form factor I know of that has that sort of capacity, particularly on the 100GbE. thanks, -Randy ----- On Apr 8, 2015, at 3:01 PM, Piotr piotr.1234@interia.pl wrote:
There is something like this on market ? Looking for standalone switch, 1/2U, ca 40 ports 10Gb/s and about 4 ports 100Gb/s fixed or as a module.
regards, Peter