On Sun, 20 Feb 2000 Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu wrote:
A few days ago a total of 13 sites got DOS'ed, for an average of a few hours each, and that got MAJOR press coverage. It's surprising there wasn't a similar fuss the time that 30% of the .com's were dropped on the floor due to a undetected disk-full condition, and sites were having sporadic problems for several DAYS till all the DNS caches timed out, or the time a few days later there was ANOTHER problem, or the time.....
Let's face it guys, taken on the "number of sites times outage time" basis, NSI operational issues have screwed a *LOT* more of the 4 million .COM's out there than trin00 has....
OK. So NSI gets the award for the first "real" dDOS years ago. And all they needed were the root servers. John Fraizer