Le 2012-09-28 12:15, Jay Ashworth a écrit :
The assumption of a 1-1 correspondence between gender and sex is old fashioned nowadays.
Mammals have sex.
*Words* (and only words) have gender.
There's an RFC about that! RFC 6350, section 6.2.7, about the GENDER vCard property: 6.2.7. GENDER Purpose: To specify the components of the sex and gender identity of the object the vCard represents. Value type: A single structured value with two components. Each component has a single text value. Cardinality: *1 Special notes: The components correspond, in sequence, to the sex (biological), and gender identity. Each component is optional. Sex component: A single letter. M stands for "male", F stands for "female", O stands for "other", N stands for "none or not applicable", U stands for "unknown". Gender identity component: Free-form text. ABNF: GENDER-param = "VALUE=text" / any-param GENDER-value = sex [";" text] sex = "" / "M" / "F" / "O" / "N" / "U" Examples: GENDER:M GENDER:F GENDER:M;Fellow GENDER:F;grrrl GENDER:O;intersex GENDER:;it's complicated Simon -- DTN made easy, lean, and smart --> http://postellation.viagenie.ca NAT64/DNS64 open-source --> http://ecdysis.viagenie.ca STUN/TURN server --> http://numb.viagenie.ca