I am under the impression that the 208/8 network has not yet been assigned to anyone. It appears we are only up to 207.19/16. However, as someone (Avi?) pointed out earlier: | Cis3#sh ip bgp long | BGP table version is 34728, local router ID is | Status codes: s suppressed, * valid, > best, i - internal | Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete | | Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path | *>i208.0.1.0 1 50 0 3561 1280 3847 ? | *>i208.0.4.0 1 50 0 3561 1280 3847 ? | *>i208.0.5.0 1 50 0 3561 1280 3847 ? | *>i208.0.9.0 1 50 0 3561 1280 3847 ? | Cis3# Is anyone filtering these routes? From a customer perspective, I think it would be nice if my providers would do so. Or maybe these guys would filter them: | anka:~# whois 3847 | [rs.internic.net] | Internet Media Network, Inc. (ASN-IMN) | 20417 NORDHOFF STREET | CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 | | Autonomous System Name: IMN | Autonomous System Number: 3847 | | Coordinator: | Joffe, Rodney (RJ48) rjoffe@IMN.NET | 818-407-0000 | Alternate Contact: | Gibbs, Mark (MG148) mgibbs@RAIN.ORG | 818-700-6900 | | Record last updated on 23-Sep-94. | | The InterNIC Registration Services Host contains ONLY Internet Information | (Networks, ASN's, Domains, and POC's). | Please use the whois server at nic.ddn.mil for MILNET Information. | anka:~# I dunno, maybe I should filter them. What are other people doing? -alan