Mike wrote:
We're receiving multiple complaints about problems reaching anything @bt. Is anyone else experiencing this?
Grrr....Three days later, BT is now telling their customers that somehow, this is our fault. I find it rather odd that everyone in the world can reach us, *except* BT customers, yet it is our fault.
You appear to be excessively deaggregating your space. Perhaps they are doing the responsible thing by filtering it? As announced, 13345 has 92 prefixes originated. After aggregation, there are 44 prefixes. There appear to be a couple of holes which you aren't announcing, which would further reduce this to 38 (after aggregation.) The space from the "Colorado Internet Cooperative Association" seems to be somewhat haphazard leading to the bulk of the remainder, and they aren't originating at all, which may lead to issues. In this day and age of many people not doing the right thing, it is likely that one only see's the effects when looking at someone actually doing the right thing. I'ld suggest cleaning up your announcements and seeing if the problem persists. If nothing else, you become a part of the solution.