Wow, consider me educated on old news. LOL I imagine it is new to many of the users on the new service they launched. I completely forgot that Nanog would probably be the first to comment and chime in when it first became available. Thanks for the information. I will definitely research the CDN issues. Back to school steve...Why did I Awesome link Todd - Why did I think that the resolving server would already know "where network path wise" the request came from. Let me post this as a comment and ask how the CDN endpoint routing is working. Better yet, change the dns on my router, and Netflix on the Google TV should let me know how well it is streaming. --steve On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 15:10, Michael Painter <> wrote:
Todd Underwood wrote:
not bad for CDNs anymore:**telecom/news/2011/08/opendns-** and-google-working-with-cdns-**on-dns-speedup.ars<>
Fwiw, ol' Steve Gibson has written a small (167KB), .exe, "DNS Benchmark". It's easy to add and (or any nameserver) to the .ini file from within the program .**benchmark.htm<> --Michael
-- steve pirk yensid "father... the sleeper has awakened..." paul atreides - dune member august '09 - Google+