Well, the thing to do here is simple. If you are a UUNet customer bitch at them and bitch loud. Customers are the people they will listen to...no matter how much we decrease the S/N ratio on NANOG I doubt they will listen to non-customers posting to NANOG. Call your UUNet sales rep and inform him/her you would like to terminate your contract. Tell him/her you signed that contract under the assumption that UUNet would peer equally with all networks meeting a minimum standard for NAPs connected to, backbone bandwidth, etc. Make it very clear you will not tolerate your connectivity becoming worse because of UUNet dropping peering. Obviously discussions with sales reps. has little to do with NANOG. I don't think this really becomes an operations issue until someone says "no" to UUNet. And you thought the DNS was going to fracture the 'net... Bradley Dunn -- Why can't you be a non-conformist like everyone else? On Fri, 2 May 1997, Matthew E. Pearson wrote:
Now how pathetic is this? UUNET one of the original pioneers of the Commercial Internet, one of the Flagships of open systems, standards, and connectivity now wants to extort money from other networks for peering? As if they don't make enough money. Gee wouldn't it really suck for all of UUNet's customers and MSN etc if a company like ConXion no longer had UUNET peering? Gee they couldn't download any Microsoft products anymore! True, UUNET is big, true they have many good sites and on-line resources for customers. But, they are not so good that they deserve some mega-high price for the honor of accessing their customers. After all, why do you need a confidentiality agreement if your prices are reasonable? Put a gag-order on people from complaining about pricing...