On Tue, 15 Jun 1999, Vadim Antonov wrote:
Vijay Gill <wrath@cs.umbc.edu> wrote:
I guess it's my private rule-of-thumb. (Antique Kleinrock and Klein, maybe?)
The paper titled "Stochastic Performance Evaluation of Hierarchical Routing for Large Network" by Kamoun and Kleinrock does give a result for optimal levels of hierarchy to be ln(n), where n is the number of nodes, in a symmetric distributed network, for routing purposes.
that the only reference to the name "Avici" i was able to find is the particularly hot kind of hell in Buddhist mythology :)
This has amused me for months. The Thus Come One of Pervasive Lights and Proper Views told her, "You are supposed to fall down into The Avici Hell because of your evil karma, and experience the acute suffering without any respite. In the cold Hell, the offenders will encounter the severely cold wind and be tortured by the sudden chill. In the feverish Hell of heat, the offenders will experience sudden heat waves, which are brought about by the hot wind." /vijay