Jimmy spews his usual disinformation
The NSF has been very lax in its management of the InterNIC. At one point in time, the Inspector General of the NSF, Linda Sundro was trying to figure out what was going on. If you read some of her reports to congress, you will see that she was not able to figure out what was really going on.
Quite a euphemism for what she had up her sleeve Jimmy. She excercised a reign of terror at NSF from the late 80's until earlier this year and to the extent that agency has been disfunctional it was thanks to linda. i obtained my first documentation of how she was hated by staff in 1994. She finally did herself in last winter when she decided that she knew how to fix the DNS NSI problem by having the NSF take over and administer .com registrations as an excise tax on behalf of the US government. Interested parties may read her report in all its glorious brazen stupidity at http://cookreport.com/igreport.shtml
She has now resigned and a temporary IG is in place.
Director Neal Lane finally the good sense to reject her recommendations and at that point, like the wicked witch of the west, she crumbled and disappeared.
Recently, the Director of the NSF has been replaced. The former Director, Neal Lane has supposedly been moved to the White House to an office that sounds similar to the role that Ira Magaziner has.
uh....Jimmy, the job is called Science Adviser to the President. Lane directs OSTP...the job that jack Gibbons used to have.
It is unclear why Neal Lane was moved, but letters from him about Linda Sundro's activities show that he was not cooperative with her attempts to figure out what was going on.
What his lack of cooperation shows is that Lane understood the legislative manadate of NSF was not to become a tax collection agency. *************************************************************************** The COOK Report on Internet New Special Report: Building Internet 431 Greenway Ave, Ewing, NJ 08618 USA Infrastructure ($395) available. See (609) 882-2572 (phone & fax) http://www.cookreport.com/building.html cook@cookreport.com Index to 6 years of COOK Report, how to subscribe, exec summaries, special reports, gloss at http://www.cookreport.com ***************************************************************************