On 7/24/02 11:31 AM, "Adam Rothschild" <asr@asr.org> wrote:
On 2002-07-24-14:10:00, James Thomason <james@divide.org> wrote:
If this legislation is passed, they certainly will earn Null0 on mine.
Unless, of course, the RIAA, MPAA, and friends carry out their cracking through throw-away dial and DSL accounts, like they purportedly use now to troll for copyright offenders, and send automated nasty-grams to their upstream providers.
Carrying out their cracking from a uniform netblock or AS, which we could all identify and filter, would be too easy. They're flagrant, but they're not stupid.
The Business Software Alliance appears to be using this technique to flush out people distributing their Members' software via Gnutella and others. I have received the obligatory nasty-gram advising me as the "owner" of an IP (not taking into account the IP has been allocated and then assigned to consecutive downstream providers) that I could be held liable for the actions of this particular user. Mike